Book on The Red Line: Exploring International Humanitarian and Criminal Justice
International Journal of Legal Affairs and Exploration and Juris Cognita Publications are accepting submissions for a Call for Chapters for a Book on “The Red Line: Exploring International Humanitarian and Criminal Justice”
The Red Line: Exploring International Humanitarian and Criminal Justice is a multidisciplinary anthology that delves into the intricate frameworks of international humanitarian and criminal law, bringing together perspectives from the legal fraternity, policymakers, and academicians from diverse fields. This book seeks to examine the principles, challenges, and evolving applications of laws that govern armed conflicts and criminal accountability on a global scale.
From analyzing the foundational principles of the Geneva Conventions to exploring cutting-edge issues like cyber warfare and climate-induced conflicts, the book offers a comprehensive exploration of the red line that separates humanity from chaos in times of crisis. It also highlights the role of international tribunals, the intersection of human rights with humanitarian law, and the significance of technological advancements in ensuring justice.
With contributions ranging from research papers and case studies to policy suggestions, this book is an essential resource for anyone invested in shaping a just and humane global order. The Red Line challenges readers to rethink and reimagine the future of international law in the face of unprecedented global challenges.
International Humanitarian and Criminal Law
Including But not Limited To:
- Foundations of International Humanitarian Law (IHL)
- Principles and Evolution of IHL
- The Geneva Conventions: Legacy and Modern Challenges
- Protection of Civilians and Non-Combatants in Armed Conflicts
- International Criminal Law: Scope and Jurisdiction
- Crimes Against Humanity: Legal Definitions and Prosecutions
- War Crimes and the Role of International Tribunals
- Genocide: Historical Cases and Contemporary Concerns
- Intersections of Law and Policy
- Role of International Organizations in Upholding IHL
- Policy Proposals for Strengthening Enforcement Mechanisms
- The Influence of Politics in International Criminal Proceedings
- Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
- Synergies Between Human Rights Law and IHL
- The Role of Humanitarian Law in Addressing Refugee Crises
- Gender-Based Violence in Armed Conflicts
- Contemporary Challenges in International Justice
- The Prosecution of Cyber Crimes in Armed Conflicts
- Non-State Actors and Compliance with IHL
- Climate Change-Induced Conflicts and the Applicability of IHL
- Comparative and Multidisciplinary Perspectives
- Case Studies of Major International Tribunals and Courts
- Role of Media in Highlighting Violations of IHL
- Sociological and Psychological Impacts of War Crimes on Victims
- Future of International Humanitarian and Criminal Law
- Artificial Intelligence and the Laws of War
- Technological Innovations in Evidence Collection and Prosecution
- Reforming International Legal Systems for Better Accountability
- The Manuscript should not exceed 3500-word limit.
- Authors are initially requested to only submit their Abstracts.
- Author(s) should not mention their personal details at any places in the Abstract. Personal Details and Institutional Affiliations should be mentioned in a separate cover letter.
- All headings in the manuscripts should be properly formatted.
- The main body text in the manuscript must be in Times New Roman in a font size of 12, 1.5 line spacing and in justified alignment. For footnotes, maintain Times New Roman Style with a font size of 10 and 1.0 line spacing. For Headings, Times New Roman style must be followed with a font size of 14 and must be Bold and Underlined.
- Footnotes should conform to JILI Citation Format.
- Abstracts are to be submitted in .doc No other format would be accepted.
- A maximum of 3 authors are allowed.
- Plagiarism of more than 20% shall not be acceptable by any means. The Manuscript should also be free from grammatical, spelling and other errors.
- Authors are required to submit their full manuscripts only after the intimation regarding the acceptance of abstract.
- Authors should email with their original and unpublished Abstract in.doc or.docx format.
- “Name of the Author(s)_Title of the Manuscript” shall be the subject line of the email.
- Please enclose the cover letter along with the Abstract.
- Submissions shall be made at:
The book will be printed with ISBN Number.
There is no publication or submission charge.
- Last date for Submission of Abstract: 03.04.2025
- Notification of Acceptance/ Rejection of Abstract: 04.04.2025
- Last Date for Submission of Full Paper: 26.04.2025
- Notification of Acceptance/ Rejection of Full Paper: 28.04.2025
- Tentative Date of Book Release: 10.05.2025
- Dr. Ranjeeta Mukherjee, Associate Professor, Xavier Law School, St. Xavier University, Kolkata.
- Dr. Bhupal Bhattacharya, Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Raiganj University.
- All submissions will be first checked for plagiarism using a turnitin software.
- Only Submissions with less than 20% plagiarism shall be sent forward for publication. Authors may be required to make minor modifications to their submissions at this stage.
- The submissions which pass the initial stage will be assigned to the Editors for further considerations and double blind peer review after requisite copy-editing.
The editors will evaluate the submission for its originality, conceptual and methodological consistency, as well as decide whether the submissions are within the aim and scope of the book. The Editors reserve the right to decide whether the submissions requires further review or not.
Once the submissions are shortlisted by the Editors, they will be sent for double peer review. The peer review process being anonymous (blind), the name of the author shall be concealed. Each submission shall be reviewed by a referee, invited by International Journal of Legal Affairs and Exploration.
The reviewer shall evaluate the submission and submit the report on the basis of:
- Relevance of the Topic
- Clarity of Research
- Quality of Papers in terms of originality- Content-Scholarly contribution
- Quality of Paper Structure
- Analysis, Argumentation and Language
- Presentation and Referencing/ Footnoting
For any queries, reach out to us via email at or through WhatsApp at: +91-8252343482