Call For Papers

CALL FOR PAPERS- Volume 2 Issue 5 (September-October 2024)

We pride ourselves on being a truly international journal that bridges gaps between different legal systems and traditions. As such, IJLAE welcomes contributions from scholars, legal experts, and practitioners from all corners of the world. By blending global perspectives with local insights, we facilitate a rich exchange of ideas that fosters cross-cultural understanding and strengthens the foundation of law.

Submissions Can Be Made By

The International Journal of Legal Affairs and Exploration (IJLAE) welcomes manuscript submissions from a diverse array of contributors within and outside the legal community. We invite esteemed legal scholars, law students, researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and academicians with a passion for exploring the frontiers of law to submit their original and innovative research for consideration.

Title And Theme

Our journal is open to multidisciplinary perspectives, encouraging authors from various legal traditions, cultures, and geographical locations to contribute to the enrichment of legal knowledge worldwide. With a commitment to fostering inclusivity and promoting academic excellence, IJLAE eagerly awaits submissions that shed light on critical legal issues, advance legal scholarship, and contribute to the betterment of societies globally.


Rolling Submissions

Submission Procedures

  • Manuscripts are to be submitted at: and communication about acceptance/ rejection would be intimidated within 24 hours of receiving the Manuscript.
  • At IJLAE, we follow a Double-Blinded Peer Review process, so we expect the authors to submit their Personal Details of such as, Title of the Manuscript, Name, Institute, Designation, Year of Study, Course Name, Contact Number and Email Address in a separate Cover Letter.
  • As we strictly follow the double blind peer review process, it takes a minimum of 7 days for an article to get reviewed. The communication regarding the acceptance/rejection takes a minimum of 7 working days. 

Submission Category


Up to 1500 Words

Short Article:

1500-5000 Words

Long Article:

5000-10000 Words

Book Review:

Up to 3000 Words

Case Comments:

Up to 3000 Words

(Word Limits specified above are inclusive of footnotes.)

Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism of more than 20% shall not be acceptable by any means.

Publication Fees

The Publication Fees for Indian Authors are INR 600 (Up to 2 Authors). The Publication fees for 3 Co-Authors are INR 1000. 

Submission Guidelines

  • For any category of submissions as mentioned above, must be followed by an Abstract of 250-300 words.
  • Author(s) should not mention their personal details at any places in the manuscript. Personal Details and Institutional Affiliations should be mentioned in a separate cover letter.
  • All headings in the manuscripts should be properly formatted.
  • The main body text in the manuscript must be in Times New Roman in a font size of 12, 1.5 line spacing and in justified alignment. For footnotes, maintain Times New Roman Style with a font size of 10 and 1.0 line spacing. For Headings, Times New Roman style must be followed with a font size of 14 and must be Bold and Underlined.
  • Any Uniform Citation Style can be maintained for footnotes.
  • Manuscripts are to be submitted in .doc No other format would be accepted.
  • A maximum of 4 co-authors are allowed.

For any further queries pertaining to Submission of Manuscripts may be addressed to

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